


综合艺术学士学位s (BA-IA) investigates the core principles inherent to the performing and studio arts: context, 工艺, 和批判.

Students are actively encouraged to pursue different mediums and forms to experiment, 重申, and refine work conceptualized through an interdisciplinary, 文科基金.





了解更多关于B的信息.A. 综合文科学位

  • Students studying Integrated 艺术s at Landmark College have a number of opportunities to gain academic credit for internships, 在校内外. Regular internships are available in individual faculty studios, 作为项目助理, as well as the Landmark College 艺术 Gallery.

    Landmark College students have pursued internship opportunities for academic credit at numerous locations, 包括:

    • Brattleboro Museum and 艺术 Center, Brattleboro, VT
    • 莫雷尔金属铸造公司,科伦,马萨诸塞州
    • Stephen Procter 陶瓷 Studio, Brattleboro, VT
  • 的 综合艺术学士学位s degree at Landmark College prepares artists for graduate work in MFA programs, 艺术教育工作, and professional roles in art-related fields.

    Our curriculum exposes students to a range of art disciplines, deepens their understanding of the arts in history and culture, and promotes the acquisition and refinement of technical skills.

  • 要拿到B.A. 综合艺术 degree, students must complete 120 credits:

    • 主修必修课程42学分
      • 33个专业必修学分
      • 9 major required credits that also count toward general education
    • 31 additional credits to complete the general education requirements
    • 通选课47学分 (18必须在3000/4000级别)


    • 创造,批判,重复
    • 艺术中的写作
    • ART4001综合艺术顶点
    • Cultural 艺术s Seminar (2 courses): Seminars focus on the cultural influences, multicultural context and history of a given discipline within the arts. Selected topics include (but are not limited to):
      • HIS1031世界艺术史1
      • HIS1032世界艺术史2
      • MUS1041音乐欣赏
      • PHO2041摄影简史
      • 《戏剧概论
    • Craft and Critique Skill Development (4 courses): Introductory and Intermediate art courses focused on a specific discipline.  Each course will develop the student’s ability in art form and provide opportunities to develop the ability to give and receive constructive critique.
    • Upper Division Craft and Critique (5 courses): At the 3000/4000 level, further develop their 工艺 through medium specific courses and by combining disciplines. 通过这项工作, students strengthen their ability to contextualize their work and experiment by applying 工艺 acquired at the 1000/2000 level to express a concept to an audience. 的 focus emphasizes context 和批判 as students strengthen their ability to gain perspective on how the role art plays in society: historically, 社会, conceptually; communicate complex conceptual ideas; and explore how this work can lead to creative problem solving.
    • Topics for Craft and Critique requirements (all levels) include:
      • 艺术
      • 陶瓷
      • 音乐
      • 绘画/图
      • 摄影
      • 剧院
      • Time-Based Media, including Sound 艺术 and Video


    • WRT1011 Composition and Rhetoric OR WRT1008 Writing Process & 练习第二部分
    • WRT1012研究与分析
    • EDU1011学习的视角
    • COM1011 Intro to Communication OR COM1021 Interpersonal Comm OR COM1071 Public Speaking
    • Mathematics distribution elective (as indicated through placement exam)
    • Natural 科学 with lab distribution elective
    • 社会科学分布选修课
    • Quantitative Reasoning distribution elective
    • 创意分配选修课
    • 替代经验

    General Electives: 47 credits (18 at the 3000/4000 level)


  • 在完成B.A. 综合艺术 degree, students will be able to:

    • Create artistic work informed by the social and historical context and conceptual framework from which it emerges.
    • Demonstrate technical skills and processes necessary to produce work in  diverse media.
    • Apply knowledge and understanding learned in studio and performing arts classes to reflect critically on their own work as well as that of their peers and artists in the field.
    • 使用反射式, 迭代过程, refine their artistic practice to facilitate the production of a body of work that meets their goals.
    • Synthesize feedback 和批判 as part of the creative process.
    • 策划并执行一次展览, 表演, or presentation of creative work from conception, 准备, 和推广, 安装或性能.



Chair, Department of 细 and 表演艺术


Dean Solvegi Shmulsky摄

Solvegi Shmulsky
通识教务长 & 艺术



Whether you are new to Landmark College or are a former student interested in returning for a baccalaureate degree, 你可以 应用在这里 (the reenrollment process for Landmark College alumni can be found under the "Returning" tab).
